Friday, June 27, 2008

Fashion Design Development


Theme for your Group Assignment: Racial Harmony
Research the theme of Racial Harmony, from as many sources as possible. Gathering the related items, find fabric swatches if possible, take photographs, and make drawing and collages. Fill as many pages of your sketchbook with all sorts of gathered research as well as your own work. Then start working into these found items, exploring the colours and shapes you might want to use in your designs. Restrict yourself to 2 finalized design drawings for each person.

Come together in your groups of 5 or 6. Decide which designs and development you'd like to feature on your blog. Should you have too many ideas in each person's mindmap, you must decide on what to focus on. You must include the process of designing in your blog and an artist statement of about 50 words. All the work used in your blog MUST be original.

If you are having problems with the poses of your models, you may refer to the samples of poses given to you in class.

Fashion Design


Fashion is a social, cultural and financial phenomenon. In urban areas, fashion cab be both a passion and a livelihood. The study of Fashion can be as fascinating as literature, theatre and the fine arts.

Getting inspiration…..
You can borrow motif from painting, design, movies, architecture, personal ornaments, music …
A mistake often made by new students is to design a series of individual garment that have no discernible source of inspiration and cohesive “look”. However, once you have established a theme, a multitude of related ideas will emerge. Look at the sketch of the countryside to the right of this page. See how the curves are developed into a design that can be used in different ways. Can you say how the design is incorporated specifically in each item?

How to achieve a stream of ideas?
Use your sketchbook to explore your first ideas about a design. Don’t be too critical of your rough sketches- just let the ideas flow and you will be surprised at the vitality of the work you produce.

Presentation for Maximum impact!
You should present your designs with maximum creative impact. This dress on the left is inspired by local food – Satay. The concept of the work is reflected not just only the dress itself but also in aspect such as moving poses of the figures and the effect created by using collage in the background.